Tuesday, January 29, 2013

no-sew Mr Cthulhu plushie (regular)

Being on something of a plushie-making kick lately, I decided to make another Mr Cthulhu plushie for my friend overseas. However, instead of using my usual method of stitching, I decided to see if I could do it faster and at less effort by making the whole thing using hot glue.

It turned out pretty well overall. 

The catch? Well, sticking any bits of fabric together using glue results in stiffness…so the edges are a tad stiff. The other part is that hot glue can be a tad messy, so there are glue drips that are difficult to remove…also some parts have turned out a tad lumpy due to me not pressing the edges tightly together in time – or have bits of glue seeping out of the edges.

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